Thursday 11 April 2013

Happy Birthday to us!

Two years ago today, WCSUK was created. It's our 2nd Birthday today!

We started out as an online support group for women who were going through, or had gone through womb cancer. Our numbers slowly grew and as they did we began to realise that a lot of the women who were joining us had been unaware of womb cancer before they were diagnosed.

Unlike breast, cervical and ovarian cancer, that gets a lot of publicity and awareness campaigns, womb cancer is not very well known about. So we decided that alongside the support aspect of what we do, that we should also help to raise awareness of a cancer that, according to the most up to date statistics, around 9,000 women are diagnosed with each year and about 1,900 actually die of.

So, following in the lead of our US peach sisters from, we declared September Womb Cancer Awareness Month and in Sept of 2011, we held a month long campaign on Facebook to get people to turn their profile pics peach.

We did the same again in 2012 and had a huge response from our followers and their friends. It was great to log on each day and see peach themed or peach coloured pics everywhere.

We can only do so much, as we are not a charity or a registered organisation. We are just a bunch of dedicated womb cancer fighters and survivors who want to make a difference.

We now have over 640 likers on our FB page; not all of them are womb cancer warriors, some are relatives and friends of women who are fighting and others are supporters of what we do. But they all have a role to play in helping us spread the word about womb cancer.

And you can play a part in that aswell. If you're reading this blog post , then please share it. Help us reach out to other women who may be going through womb cancer.

They may be alone and scared just like I was 3+ years ago. But they don't have to be anymore.

Our motto is "No one fights alone!"

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